Sleeping Nude Figure


I named her Isabella.

Sleeping Nude Figure in gilded frame, hanging above a mustard yellow velvet couch— William Frederick Foster

Sleeping Nude Figure— William Frederick Foster (1883 - 1953) active/lived in New York, California and Ohio. Known for female figure, genre painting and magazine illustration.


Whilst out treasure hunting in Pasadena recently, I stumbled upon the dreamiest stall imaginable. Immediately, I was transported to the the flea markets of Paris as I wandered between endless paintings in gilded frames guiding me through barely there maze-like paths, artistic wonders leaning against each other, precariously stacked here, there and everywhere in a game of brushstroke Jenga. It was as though I stepped into an oil on canvas fever dream, I was transfixed. And then, I saw her, the Sleeping Nude Figure. It was love at first sight.

In an instant, I imagined her hanging in my salon au boîte a bijou. The rich, warm tones pairing perfectly with my mustard velvet sofa and the deep walnut of my prized midcentury Italian bookshelves. She was the missing piece to my living room. The paining that would undoubtedly add luxury and depth to the space and marry all of my visions together. She simply had to be mine.

I placed her on hold and went home to do some artist reconnaissance and to sleep on the dream of the Sleeping Nude. The next night she was delivered. I named her Isabella.

Et voila! She fit perfectly into the hole that existed above my sofa in my salon. She became the final touch. At last, another room in my beloved boîte a bijou feels complete - a curated collection of items I instantly fell in love with, a maximalism meets Parisian chic aesthetic that says more about me in a glance than I could say with a thousand words. For my apartment is an extension of me and Isabella has added beauty, intrigue and glamor to my little world. She is home. Xx


Mob Wife Dinner


Three Days in London 2024