Is there any better way to say ‘I love you’ (or ‘I love me’) than a chic breakfast tray featuring fresh flowers, waffles and champagne butter?

A breakfast tray - No better way to say ‘I love you’ or ‘I love me’


I would say, with confidence, that I am not a morning person. I prefer to take my time getting out of bed and starting my day quietly and slowly. After a cup of strong English Breakfast Tea, a bit of my current true crime podcast obsession and a few moments of computer life admin at my breakfast nook banquette, I am finally ready to start my day. However, this anti-morning person can be turned upside down by an impeccable breakfast tray. 

With the world spinning wildly around us, it is imperative that we take a few minutes each week for ourselves. One perfectly simple example of this is to recreate one of my favorite indulgences. Room service. I adore it. Always have to have it. Food laid out prettily on a tray and enjoyed in a fluffy white bath robe while still in bed. It is pure, simple luxury. But why do we save such a treat for vacations only? Why not bring a bit of vacation life to our everyday life? It is so simple and yet, we skip it. We shove a piece of toast in our mouths or just gulp down some coffee. However, I implore you to stop that nonsense and savor life a bit more (whenever possible). The next time you have a quiet morning, why not place some fresh cut flowers on a tray and snuggle back into bed with a stack of waffles and a bit of fancy butter (or whatever floats your breakfast boat)… It makes for such a special, romantic moment without too much fuss. 

I am often applauded for how I create these moments for myself. Sometimes made fun of for it too, if I am to be honest. And I think back to the tale of how this mindset all began for me. I was newly single, it was the middle of the pandemic and I was devastated. Devastated for many reasons, though mostly mourning the dinners we cooked together, how good he was at cooking eggs, the cups of tea shared in the garden and the bottles of wine that we opened together. I did not want to give up the ‘special’ stuff. I did not want to tuck bottles of champagne away saying to myself that I will save them for a special occasion. To eat dinner out of a to-go container in front of the television. To skip the candles and retire the art of a good table setting. I could not help but wonder, why is it that we save the special stuff? Why can’t the special moments be today? So I began to apply that mindset to my life. I made dinners for myself that I would ordinarily save to treat someone else. I lit the candles and bought the flowers. I made breakfast trays and opened the good wine. And guess what? Life suddenly felt more special. I felt more special. It was simple, but it was huge!

Is there anything better than a chic breakfast moment in bed?

So the moral of this story is, do not save the ‘special’ things for another day. Eventually the wine goes funny, the nice chocolate gets chalky and your favorite flowers are no longer in season. Treat yourself the way you would want to be treated by a lover. Be your own damn lover. Life is too short to wait for someone else to bring you breakfast in bed. Unless you are at a hotel, and then you can order room service. And I highly suggest that you do. For room service is an extra special, luxurious treat (and one that should most definitely be emulated at home!) Xx


Gluten free waffles by Odella Bakes

Champagne Butter

Farmers market berries

English breakfast tea

Fresh cut flowers from my neighborhood florist


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